Thursday, June 14, 2012

it's time for new family photo...........

It's time for new family photo.................
This was my family photo N years ago.............
For me,
It's time for new family photo,
Perhaps I just do not wanted to feel regret for not taking any family photo while all of us can gather together,
Perhaps it's before the increasing number of family members..........^^
I just want to take a family photo....
Wanted to do it badly!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dream ..................

Last night I had a dream,
Dream about snake,
Snake everywhere,
Snake coming to my way,
Snake attack,
But I am not injured................................ 

What does it mean when you dream about snake?

To get start interpreting what dreaming about snakes means, here are the most common meanings associated with snakes in dreams:
A snake is a symbol of the unconscious
Snakes or serpents indicate you’re in the process of healing and resolving issues
The snake is a symbol for an untamed part of yourself or an untapped resource
Snakes could represent your intuition or spiritual aspects of yourself; your instinctual drive, what moves you from the depths of your soul
Snakes or serpents tend to show up in dreams in times of transition and transformation
From the classic Freudian perspective, a snake or serpent is a phallic symbol
Generally, a snake featured in a dream means that you’re dealing with a difficult situation or unsettling emotions in your waking life. On the positive side of this dream analysis, dreaming of snakes could also mean that healing and transformation are taking place.